Prayers of the People
~ We Pray in Community ~
~Prayers listed here include, in general terms, some of what was lifted aloud in online worship Sunday April 25 & through this week~
~Please add your love, as you pray each name, concern, or joy- and reach out to one another!~
(Prayers are listed approx. two weeks, unless you prefer otherwise.)
God we are mourning and mourning.
We have shared sadness. We worship today with song "$20 bill”. George Floyd and all the names we said aloud today.
Jessica and Journie (Sojourner), in this time of loss, our thoughts are with all of Nicholas’ family. And for Jess’ additional sudden loss of friend Lynn, in this time.
Families who have lost and suffered. Our hearts know no verdict can heal, in George Floyd’s murder, yet we sigh an out breath, justice movements strengthen, our ranges of relief, sadness, grief, anger.
From our world of pain- to our Love, to our Hope,
Sandie’s continuing recovery and strength
India (our family, friends, loved ones) helpless in covid crisis, know we are with you, God is with you.
Increasing our work to end gun violence. Our love to families that have lost in this world. God help us to know how to be an active blessings where you want us to be.
This 1 John 3:16-18 scripture might teach us to love.
May this love in 1 John show as an economic force, a political force, an organizing center for everything worth living for, to break boundaries, to love, to build a better future.
Love cannot be drowned by sadness. Hope still lives. In children, In land, in bird songs.
To rejoice with the Sacred Heart family moving in to their new place this week!
Holy God, in your mercy ... hear our prayers!
Continue to send your prayers to Lauren & Rich and as you wish, we can include them in Sunday worship online or Wednesday gatherings online or this weekly Newsletter.
Pastoral concerns: Pastor Rich (, & Pastor Lauren:, or text/ call Lauren: 773.501.7382.