Matching Funds & Pies!

Festival of Hope - matching funds and pies!

We will miss being together later this month, at the time of our special event- Festival of Hope- but there's good news to share.

A generous donor is matching the money we raise (virtually) via the Festival of Hope this year, up to $5,000. Make a gift by sending a check to the church with FOH '21 in the memo or by donating on the Keystone website button and including a note for FOH (drop down list option “Keystone UCC”.).

Kim Larsen has generously offered to provide pumpkin pies again to our Keystone Community. Whole pies are the usual $12 and will be available for pick up at Keystone on Nov 21 (delivery can be arranged for those who need it).

Please place your pie order by next MONDAY NOV 8th. Email/text Eliza to place your order!

(Contact Lauren or Rich - -see contact church page on this site!- - if you don’t have a Directory, and for Eliza’s email and cell.)

Thank you!