Actions You Can Take This Week
DON'T FORGET TO VOTE: This is the time to turn in your ballots and to please make sure that your families and friends are also turning in their ballots too! Even though this past Monday, July 27th, was the last day for on-line registration, a person can still register and vote in this upcoming primary election. Please see the links below, especially the addresses and times where you can still register and vote on August 4th!
How to return ballots:
Ballots were mailed out to registered voters on July 15! If someone hasnt received their ballot by now, call King County Elections: (206) 296-8683 to figure out the best way to get a ballot, or print one online.
Find your non-partisan Voter Pamphlet information from King County online.
Use a Ballot Drop Box: Turn ballot in by 8 p.m. on election day to a drop box near you. View drop box locations around the county.
Mail your ballot: No stamp needed! Put your ballot in any mailbox. Make sure that it will be postmarked by 5 p.m. on Election Day.
Vote Center: Go to a vote center for assistance voting in-person. Vote Centers are at King County Elections HQ in Renton and CenturyLink Field in Seattle. Vote Centers are taking important COVID-19 health precautions, and ask that folks wear masks (they will have some available too). Click here for hours & info.
For questions related to voting, call King County Elections: (206) 296-8683 or visit